Thursday 8 October 2015

Horror Actors

1) Boris Karloff:
Boris Karloff, born in 1887, is one of the greatest actors of all time, he graced the silver-screen with his presence from the 20's right through to the late 60's, perhaps the horror king of the golden age of Hollywood in the 1930's starring in two horror classics, 'Frankenstein' and 'The Mummy'. His transformation into these rolls and deadpan delivery is incredible. Many actors we see today sight Karloff as one of their favourite actors, ask anyone in the horror industry, Karloff's name will come up time and time again. Even under all th
e make-up of Frankenstein, his acting skills and presence till shine through to create an all time classic.

2) Jack Nicholson:
Though Jack is not necessarily just a horror actor, he and director Stanley Kubrick really showed there chemistry in the horror classic 'The Shining'. Nicholson immerses himself in the role as Jack Torrance who looks after an isolated hotel for the winter with his family, slowly losing his sanity. Nicholson does a great job in showing his loss of sanity throughout the film. And he has shown his versatility in other genres of film from comedy to action, look at 'Batman', 'Anger Management' and even 'the Departed'. He is not as active anymore for he is well into his 70's but he has left a mark on the silver screen that can never be wiped off. Leaving a firm stamp on the horror genre.

3) Christopher Lee:
Another all time great, in my opinion one of the greatest actors to come from the UK. Lee, like Nicholson, shows his versatility in many different roles from his role as Count Dooku in 'Star Wars' to Count Dracula in 'Dracula'. Dracula is probably his most famous work, immersing himself in the role as the Transylvanian Count and creating the greatest interpretation of Dracula anyone has ever seen, no-one has ever been able to match it. He brought a certain class and charm to the character as-well as still keeping it scary. His career spanned from the 50's right through till his untimely death last year. Lee will go down as one of the greatest and most gracious actors of all time, his deep soothing voice playing over and over again in his many great roles.

4) Peter Cushing:
I think a lot of people forget about Peter Cushing because he did not neccesarily have a lot of main roles, he usually played someone on the side, never the less still a big part and his great acting skills still make his presence known. He has starred alongside Lee in many different films, for example 'Dracula', 'Hound of the Baskervilles' and also 'Star Wars'. His most famous role is in 'The Curse of Frankenstein' where he plays the creator of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein. Like Lee his British accent makes him stand out from those around him, and his somewhat Shakespearian play delivery produces that bit of class and charm that we are all so familiar with in his movies.

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